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NACL is as strong as its community

We are making a place for independent art, thought, expression, and communication. We need you to be involved in this active search for meaning and connection. We need your support to keep NACL thriving.

Growing Together

We’ve spent 24 of our 26 Summers in the Catskills, making and presenting work in a performance space that was once a Franciscan church, the cornerstone of which was laid in 1922. NACL is now steward of this structure that has stood a century on the shore of Highland Lake, a monument of early 20th Century craftsmanship, whose purpose has shifted from serving the spiritual needs of a specific faith to fostering the life-expanding pursuits of a diverse community of artists and witnesses who gather together in the spirit of creativity.

A quarter-century institution in a hundred-year-old home with a circle of contributors near and far numbering in the thousands — and by contributors we mean doers and watchers, singers and hearers, throwers and catchers, givers and receivers — all of us together, contributing to what gets made here.

As we marked these anniversaries last year, we rounded the final curve of an ambitious multi-year marathon drive to raise $250,000 in individual donations to support our transition from seasonal to year-round operations. The first stage of that transition — heating the performance hall — was completed in March of 2023 with the installation of five air source heat pump mini-splits in the performance hall.

With the help of contributors like you, we reached our initial goal of raising $60,000 in December of 2021, which secured a matching donation of an additional $60k. In 2022, anniversary-inspired giving added just over $80K.

We’re looking to cross the finish line by the end of this year!

These funds will be instrumental for further facilities upgrades — including enhanced insulation of the performance hall and plans for installing bathrooms — so that we can sustainably extend our annual calendar of residencies and public programming into the colder seasons.

We move forward together

You helped us turn on the heat, and we have filled the space with visiting residency artists and public events with local performers! This expansion has accordingly stretched our budget and our committed staff. We are asking you now to help us fortify this growth spurt and finish out the year in a fiscally strong position so we can continue our infrastructure upgrades and maintain a sustainable regimen of artist residencies and public events in 2024!

Please join us in support of the continued evolution of live performing art, and the remarkable, seasonal hybrid performance events we began producing this year for the celebration of creative acts and ideas. If you’ve been in attendance you know what we mean, and if you’ve missed us this last year, we hope you will join us for the exciting work we will be sharing next year!

You have always been the core of our ability to produce and present engaging new live performance work, to dive deep into craft, and to fuel the engine of discovery that takes place here.

We hope you will make your contribution and stand with us as we set a course for the road ahead.


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